updated 11th May 2020 – Ed.
One of the things we at TISCA have been doing during our ‘lockdown’ situation is to work with school Chaplains and others to provide useful resources for online chapels and assemblies. We have had great response from our Chaplains particularly and they have been extremely generous in allowing us to share their content here. We hope this will bless the wider TISCA community and others who find this page through search engines.
From a chaplain – life in lockdown
Together with a friend Tim Buckler, Chaplain at Dulwich College has created a 3 minute clip a week based on the parables of Jesus. Originally for his own pupils Tim also hopes that others might find them useful. Finding the right Christian balance is not easy and the introduction / conclusion that other Chaplains might like to share will guide their pupils appropriately.
Life in Lockdown 1: CARING FOR THE BALANCE
Finding the balance in life, in all things, is super difficult but equally important; it the balance of the universe and we’re a part. During this time of uncertainty where the normal patterns of school life are not with us, finding and keeping balance is even more important that normal. This clip is a lead in to that topic.
Life in Lockdown 2: THE GOOD SAMARITAN
With a shout out to our wonderful NHS staff and all key workers, this reflection starts with a short dramatized re-enactment of the Good Samaritan with a gentle challenge to be those who ‘cross the road towards’ helping others, in whatever small and safe ways we can think of. There is room for a deeper reflection on what it might if we see Jesus as the one who crosses the road to we who are the ones at the side of the road.
Life in Lockdown 3: THE MUSTARD SEED
This clip suggests that we must not wait until we feel ‘good enough’ to help others; God looks at the heart whilst humanity often looks at the outward appearance. For a more Christian flavour, it is worth expanding what the Kingdom of Heaven means in terms of the work of Jesus leading to restoration and reconciliation here on earth.
The key idea is the relationship between the younger son and the Father. Clearly there is a reflection of the relationship between humanity and God, but it is also presented in a way that allows it to be accessible to all. I have presumed that, after so many weeks living with family in such close proximity, that a thought that might encourage us to think of the other during this time might be timely (I have been learning from this myself!). The opening Mark Twain quote is beautiful and sums up my hope of the 4 minute clip: “Forgiveness is the fragrance that the violet sheds on the heel that has crushed it”.
The theme follows on from the last one and emphasises the unchanging love of the father and the brokenness of the elder son. It’s a clip of hope and encouragement.
TISCA Youtube channel
Following a few weeks of online chapel and assembly production many of our Chaplains have asked for short, generic videos that might be used across different schools as resources they could draw from and use. We are pleased to provide these as part of our TISCA offering. In order to wider sharing we have set up a YouTube channel with all videos being unlisted, so not searchable through YouTube but accessed by a url.
https://youtu.be/CVHLyAWJvyM 1 min 43 sec Reflective poem to be used for confessional
https://youtu.be/WJIcdo1_EuI 4 min 27 sec Prep School talk on Psalm 23 Good Shepherd. Some small references to a particular school in the context of a person’s name but still very relevant.
Author, speaker, founder of Great Lakes Outreach, Simon is passionate about challenging people to make their lives count, committed to seeing Burundi transformed, married to Lizzie with Zac, Grace and Josiah completing the team.
A few years ago, Fenn Chapman, a 16-year-old from Rugby School, flogged some techy gear to raise some money, and then flew to the Bahamas during term-time. Reporters got wind of it and knew it would make a good story. One of them eventually tracked him down on the beach and asked Fenn why he did it. Fenn replied: “I started thinking about the rest of my life: university, a job, buying a car, getting married, a mortgage, and then dying. I thought there had to be something more to life than this. So I had to get away for a while and think things through.”
That’s a question worth asking…
This is a short talk I was asked to do for a network of schools for their chapel/assembly. I tell two quick stories and then ask three questions.
It’s very short. I’d love it to be used in dozens/hundreds of schools, so do pass it to any school teacher/connection who think might use it – teachers are crying out for resources during lockdown right now, for Religious Education classes, assemblies, etc.
Have a great day, grace and peace to you!
For the video please do visit Simon’s blog.
‘Thoughts for the Day’
Alex Aldous, Chaplain at Prestfelde School has kindly allowed us to use some of this short talks from his ‘Thoughts for the day’ and his series – Reflections on the words of the Cross.
Resources from the C of E Education:
For school leaders, Faith at Home is a call to help children and young people discover God’s presence in the place they spend most of their time. It is a call to choose a lifelong exploration of a growing faith, nurtured in the normal everyday elements of life together.
Learning is vital to living life in all its fullness as we grow in wisdom, choose to hope, see the image of God in every person we encounter and focus on building relationships that all may flourish.
For our summer term content, we will be releasing content each week for Primary and Secondary schools following these themes, in partnership with Oak National Academy.
7 May – Hope
14 May – Courage
21 May – Love
28 May – Humility
4 June – Patience
11 June – Resilience
18 June – Kindness
25 June – Generosity
2 July – Vulnerability
9 July – Compassion
16 July – Flourishing
Other key theme resources, including for example those focused on supporting children and young people in Grief and Bereavement, will be also shared through Faith at Home.
We do hope that all these resources will provide you with springboards and content when you create your chapels and assemblies for your schools during these times.
Alix Stockwell (TISCA Development Officer)