Every term we send our our TISCA Prayer calendar - a resource you can use weekly or daily to pray for the work of The Independent Schools Christian Association. Below is our daily thoughts for prayer. SUNDAY Assemblies, chapel services, special eve…
Our recent post on Succeeding as a VC – Virtual Chaplain – has led to an unprecedented number of ‘hits’ on our website and from the TISCA Chaplains’ WhatsApp group. We are grateful to everyone’s input and ideas – and this blog post is an update. Li…
Sharing ideas and innovation in these extraordinary times Ever since the announcement from the UK Government that schools would close to help combat the spread of Covid-19, our TISCA Chaplain's WhatsApp group has been a buzz. There have been ideas…
Every term we send our our TISCA Prayer calendar - a resource you can use weekly or daily to pray for the work of The Independent Schools Christian Association. Below is our daily thoughts for prayer. SUNDAY Assemblies, chapel services, special eve…
School Assemblies for Reluctant Preachers Marcus Paul has written 'School Assemblies for Reluctant Preachers - How to be Successful in Ten Minutes with a Teenage Audience'. Marcus has experience of taking assemblies in seven schools and three cont…
I was invited, as the General Secretary of TISCA, to be a guest on UCB1 (United Christian Broadcasters) radio. Here is my blog reflecting on the day…Alastair Reid  For such a time as this  I was privileged this past week to be a guest o…
Interested in 'keeping up' with TISCA? Wondering about the best way/s to do this? TISCA has a number of options you can use to keep in touch... Website Of course the best and most up to date way is our website www.tisca.org.uk where you can …
Tisca Prefect training days TISCA are pleased to present the 2019-2020 Prefect Training Days brochures. Full details and booking for both the Senior and Prep School Leadership Training Days can be found on our website www.tisca.org.uk/events and al…
Many of us probably made it one of our New Year Resolutions to read more serious books and articles, especially the kind that will strengthen our faith and equip us better to explain to others the truth of the gospel. Here are two suggestions, both o…
TISCA Member Marcus Paul has written a review of this book. An abbreviated version of the review is published in TISCA News and Views N. 75 (May 2018). We publish here the full review, which contains much useful information and some trenchant critici…
Elaine Paul is an experienced teacher and a TISCA member, who is also active in providing "Solution-Focused Coaching" for people in a variety of professional educational contexts. In this post, Elaine shares some of the advantages that Solution-Focus…
TISCA offers a wide range of bible studies which we have called "Slow Food: Bible Studies for Busy Teachers". Follow this link for the complete range of studies available.…